Automating Mining Operations for Mechanizations, Productivity and Safety
Digital technology, after transforming most industries, is now making itself present in the mining industry on a major scale. Operators are now able to manage data better and remove bottlenecks that cause problems in smooth operations. There is a higher level of productivity, reduced need for deploying humans in dangerous operations and overall safety standards too have gone up. There is a higher level of innovation and real time visualizations and data analytics.

Digital technology in the Forefront of Decision Making
Mining companies use data extensively. It helps in prospecting mineral veins, calculate the cost of risk and generally streamline operations. Collecting data scientifically and digitizing at field levels is transforming operations dramatically. IoT, software and internet helps to develop new remotely usable devices during mining operations. Smart equipment run with software can intelligently sense water pressure, temperature and poisonous gases at deep levels and transfer data to avoid risks. This helps in the designing of equipment that can sustain operations even under harsh conditions.
Digital Technology in Automating Mining Operations

Mining operations are increasingly using digital devices and smart equipment that think like humans using AI and Machine Learning technologies to make smart maneuvers under conditions where human life cannot be risked. Digital technologies and IoT help thousands of devices and equipment to connect and centralize operations.
With IoT mine operators nowadays connect all their assets in a single command structure to take a unified decision at times of emergencies. By unifying the different operational points it is now possible to exchange data and coordinate operations for better productivity, automate alerting systems and firefighting emergency situations in advance.
Promoting Remote Operations
Digitalization has helped in the design and manufacture of complex equipment and systems that are located in extremely inaccessible locations due to harsh weather conditions and dangerous terrain.
With IT-enabled devices it is now possible to reduce human deployment levels and at the same time be able to increase efficiency in output. With digital devices mine workers are now able to foresee and forecast potential situations that can turn into mega tragedies. Yet another advantage is that teams are now able to work in unison and collaborate by exchanging information rapidly and accurately.
Mining Operations in Digital Future

Experts say that though digitalization took root in mining late, the scope for applying information driven operations are great in this industry. Since mining is a data driven operation, the scope for software development is also high. The growth perception projects that since the level of digitalization is not commendable as yet; the scope for expansion is exponentially high. Principally heavy-equipment and mining equipment vendors will be shopping for more software and digital products as an immediate consequence.
Our Role in Digitalization of Mining Automation
Our expertise in automating mining related software is extensive. From firefighting equipment automation to accident prevention, we offer companies a plethora of services that have wide ramifications in bringing digitalization in this industry.
With extensive experience and access to a gamut of advanced tools, we are among the few technology companies that can help mining operations achieve higher levels of operational safety.